Monday, May 26, 2008

ESL Teaching in Thailand

A piss easy job...for those of you who don't care about being a good teacher.

It does my nut well and truly in when I meet fellow farang teachers who decided to come out and teach in Thailand because they want the easy party life. The only problem I have with the whole sure we'll give you an ESL job is that all you need is a degree. Any degree will do. Even engineering or something similarly unrelated to teaching or kids, unless you spent your degree learning how to teach tools how to speak English, you ain't gunna have a blind clue mate.

The teachers and the kids are awesome, they are so grateful that a foreigner wants to come out and teach in their school they'll do anything and everything in their power to keep hold of you (even give you your own flat, rent free, free water, a free TV and a DVD player, thanks Pinuk!!!) and give you the utmost respect whilst at it. If your thinking of getting an ESL job in Asia remember don't take these people for granted, they give you free reign of what to teach, when to test and how you conduct your lessons. An awful lot of trust in someone who doesn't have a TEFL certificate, or who's degree is in Sociology...

If you want to live, eat and breathe Thai culture, this is an amazing way to go about it, but's not all fun and games, you can party once you have taught something to the 50 kids expecting you to teach them and they've remembered it the next week!

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